about us

About us

Construction Technique CTCO provides electrical and mechanical services to a variety of industrial and commercial projects and hotel projects hospitals, towers, malls and warehouses….. etc.

The company’s mechanical, electrical and health business activities include design, engineering, supply, installation, start-up testing of heating and ventilation systems, air conditioning, sanitary installations, firefighting systems and electrical systems.

CTCO’s solutions include integrated electrical and mechanical works, ranging from engineering design to engineering assessment, construction management, construction, inspection, start-up test, operation and maintenance.

We are knowledgeable and experienced in carrying out all electrical and mechanical works and specialize in safety and firefighting by supplying and installing firefighting, fire alarm systems and smoke control management in all kinds of the buildings for the purpose of obtaining civil defense permit for the buildings.

Management word

Executive Chairman's statement:

Human life is the highest thing in existence and preserving it is a human duty that we always work to do as fully as possible. We are committed before God to carry out all our work in a manner that suits us as a professional company for safety and fire prevention work and strive to upgrade the safety regulations of all buildings and work literally with the projects entrusted to us.
Implementation of safety regulations for the purpose of obtaining civil defense permit for buildings.

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